Emulators make it easy to run and test iOS apps on Windows PC or Mac. These are especially useful for developers who want to know how a specific app will appear and function on the iPhone and iPad. Emulator software works by replicating Apple’s design, interface, and some limited functionality. On my old Mac running Snow Leopard, I could type 'ios' into spotlight and it would start up the iPhone/iPad emulator by itself. I have since had to get a new machine running Lion. I have installed Xcode for Lion, I have installed the developer tool options from the preferences panel.
Matt Cone January 1, 2013 TutorialsMacDeveloper
Web developers know it’s important to test their websites on every web browser and device possible. And with the growing popularity of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, it’s only natural that they’ll also want to test their websites on all of those devices. But short of stocking up on a bunch of Apple products, how can developers preview their websites in iOS?
Actually, it’s easy. Anybody can do it by installing Apple’s iOS simulator on their Mac for free. This functional demo, complete with the mobile Safari web browser, allows you to preview your website or web application in iOS. It looks exactly the same as it does on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
There are limitations to the simulator. You can’t install apps from the App Store in the simulator, so forget about playing Need for Speed: Most Wanted. And many of the apps that come preinstalled on iOS devices are not available in the simulator. Here’s the bottom line: This stripped-down simulator is great for testing websites, but not much else.
Installing the iOS Simulator on Your Mac
Ready to get started? The first step is downloading Xcode and installing the iOS simulator on your Mac. Here’s how to install the iOS simulator on your Mac:
Download and install Xcode from the Mac App Store. It’s free!
Right click on the Xcode icon in the Applications folder and select Show Package Contents, as shown below.
Open the iPhone Simulator application. You can find the alias in Contents → Applications, as shown below.
For easy access to the iOS simulator in the future, drag and drop the iOS Simulator alias on to your Desktop or the Applications folder.
The iOS simulator is now installed and running on your Mac, as shown below.
As mentioned earlier, you’ll notice that the simulator is missing a lot of the applications and settings that come with every iOS device.
Rotating the Simulator
Every iOS device has a gyroscope that keeps track of the screen’s orientation. For example, if you turn the device horizontally, iOS will automatically rotate the screen if you’re using an app that supports the feature. The simulator can rotate, too! It can be a useful tool when you’re developing a responsive website or web app.
Here’s how to rotate the simulator:
Open the iOS simulator, if it’s not already open.
Open the Safari app in the simulator.
From the Hardware menu, select Rotate Left or Rotate Right. The simulator will rotate, as shown below.
To rotate the simulator back again, select a rotation option from the Hardware menu.
Simulating Different iOS Devices
What good would an iOS simulator be without the ability to switch between the different dimensions of the iPhone 4, iPhone 5, and the different versions of the iPad? The simulator lets you use them all on your Mac. Here’s how to simulate a different iOS device with the iOS simulator:
- Open the iOS simulator, if it’s not already open.
- From the Hardware menu, select Device, and then select the type of device you want to simulate.
- The simulator window will change to match the dimensions of the device you selected.
To restore the original window with the iPhone case as a border, select iPhone.
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- Download apps by Apple, including TestFlight, Beddit (for Model 3.5), Apple Developer, and many more.
- The iPhone Simulator (available from Xcode) is not an emulator and can't run ARM code, which means that it has to run a specific version of iOS 7 designed for OS X, and is not able to run iOS apps that have not been designed to run on this version of iOS 7 (i.e. IPAs from the App Store).
- Run iOS apps on Mac or Windows PC with iPadian Here, we are going to talk about iPadian. It is the Adobe air-based iOS simulator for Mac/Windows PC. After you install iPadian, you won’t be able to access the App Store and get the apps you want.
The addictive mega-hit Temple Run is now out for Android! All your friends are playing it - can you beat their high scores?! You've stolen the cursed idol from the temple, and now you have to run for your life to escape the Evil Demon Monkeys nipping at your heels. Test your reflexes as you race down ancient temple walls and along sheer cliffs. Swipe to turn, jump and slide to avoid obstacles. The iPhone Simulator (available from Xcode) is not an emulator and can't run ARM code, which means that it has to run a specific version of iOS 7 designed for OS X, and is not able to run iOS apps that have not been designed to run on this version of iOS 7 (i.e. IPAs from the App Store).
Go to the iTunes Store on your computer.
Ram cleaner mac.memory cleaner app for macfarmbertyl. Launch iTunes. In the source list on the left, click the iTunes Store. Click the Apps link, and the Tunes App Store appears.
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Click the iPhone tab at the top of the screen (as opposed to the iPad tab). The iPhone App section of the App Store appears.
Check out the Apps drop-down menu.
The black App Store tab near the top of the screen is also a drop-down menu (as are most of the other department links to its left and right). If you click and hold down on most of these department links, a menu with a list of the department’s categories appears.
The menus won’t work if you’ve disabled JavaScript in your browser.
Run Iphone Apps On Macbook
For example, if you click and hold down the Apps link, you can choose specific categories such as Books, Business, Education, and Entertainment from the drop-down menu, allowing you to bypass the App Store home page and go directly to that category.
Use the Search field in the App store.
Browsing the screen is helpful, but if you know exactly what you’re looking for, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that there’s a faster way than browsing: Just type a word or phrase in the Search Store field in the upper-right corner of the main iTunes window, and then press Enter or Return to initiate the search. The figure shows the result of a search for flashlight.
Run Iphone App On Macbook Pro
The bad news is that you have to search the entire iTunes Store, which includes music, television shows, movies, and other stuff in addition to iPhone apps.
Your search results are segregated into categories — one of which is iPhone Apps. And here’s even more good news: If you click the See All link to the right of the words iPhone Apps, all iPhone apps that match your search word or phrase appear.
Click the little downward-pointing triangle to the right of each item’s price to display a drop-down menu, as shown for the first Flashlight app. This menu lets you add the product to your wish list, send an e-mail with a link to this product, copy the link to this product to the Clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere, or share it on Facebook or Twitter.
Use the Search field in the App store.
Browsing the screen is helpful, but if you know exactly what you’re looking for, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that there’s a faster way than browsing: Just type a word or phrase in the Search Store field in the upper-right corner of the main iTunes window, and then press Enter or Return to initiate the search. The figure shows the result of a search for flashlight.
Run Iphone Apps On Mac New Pb Free
The bad news is that you have to search the entire iTunes Store, which includes music, television shows, movies, and other stuff in addition to iPhone apps.
Your search results are segregated into categories — one of which is iPhone Apps. And here’s even more good news: If you click the See All link to the right of the words iPhone Apps, all iPhone apps that match your search word or phrase appear.
Click the little downward-pointing triangle to the right of each item’s price to display a drop-down menu, as shown for the first Flashlight app. This menu lets you add the product to your wish list, send an e-mail with a link to this product, copy the link to this product to the Clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere, or share it on Facebook or Twitter.
Check out the detail screen from your computer.
To find out more about an app icon, a featured app, or a text link on any of the iTunes App Store screens, just click it. A detail screen like the one shown appears.
Run Iphone Apps On Mac
This screen should tell you most of what you need to know about the app, such as basic product information and a narrative description, what’s new in this version, the language it’s presented in, and the system requirements to run the app. Click the blue More link to the right of the Description and What’s New sections to expand them and see additional details.
Run Iphone Apps On Mac New Pb Id

Iphone Simulator Download
Download an app.
Downloading an app is simple. When you find an app you want to try, just click its Get App or Buy App button. At that point, you have to log in to your iTunes Store account, even if the app is free.
After you log in, the app begins downloading. When the app has finished downloading, it appears in the Apps section of your iTunes library.